11 Websites for Teaching Math
We are living in a remarkable time where both students and teachers have access to wealth of information, games, resources and expertise through a magical thing called the internet. The only problem is finding and knowing where the good stuff is that is relevant to your kids and your classroom. Luckily for you I have compiled a list of 11 of my favourite websites for teaching/learning math. Just remember though these websites are just extra tools to help you teach and your kids to learn, your kids will still need your guidance and will benefit greatly form good ol’ teacher interaction.
The 11 websites, in no particular order:
1. Prodigy:
https://www.prodigygame.com/ If you want fun and engagement with teaching math to your students then prodigy is the website for you. Prodigy merges an animated fantasy world with math tasks. The more math your kids do the more they unlock in this fantasy world. There is also the ability to track your students practice and development as they build their essential math skills.
2. MrNussbaum
Online Math games: https://www.mrnussbaum.com/math-for-kids/ This website might look a bit old but it is a bit of a treasure trove with everything from online math games, to number charts and graphing activities. It is good for an early math finisher activity, a station in a math rotation, or maybe a short Friday math session but it might pay to check out the games/activities before hand and select a couple which are relevant to your students.
3. Khan Academy
Math video instructions: https://www.khanacademy.org/math Many teachers will be familiar with and already use khan academy, but I thought I would put it here anyway. It is a video based free website full of lessons on a range of topics and levels for kids to learn from. The benefits are that kids can track their progress, go at their own pace, and easily go over concepts again if they need to. Personally I find many of the videos a bit boring, however this style of learning can suit some kids, just remember not to rely solely on it to teach math (which I have seen teachers do). Use it as an aid instead to your teaching.
4. Kahoot
https://kahoot.com/explore/collections/math/ This is a great fun website if you want to spend a few minutes just doing a whole class math quiz, your kids will love it. It works best if your class is a digital class with all students having a tablet, split your class up into groups of 2-4 if you need to share tablets. You can either create your own set of questions, use one of the sets already on the website, or even get your kids to create a set of questions. It’s not just math either, they have a range of subjects or topics you can quiz on.
5. Buzz Math
https://www.buzzmath.com/ BuzzMath is a great website for upper elementary or middle school students. It has a range of problems, gives feedback to the teachers, and allows students to learn at their own pace.
6. Zapzap Math
https://www.zapzapmath.com/ I love the game approach that Zapzap math has. It is suited for elementary math students (K-5) and has 150+ math lessons. There is a dashboard allowing teachers to oversee progress, and specialises in higher order thinking skills. Your students will love the game aspect of this website.
7. Matific
https://www.matific.com Okay, so this is a paid website, but you can have a free trail. There are a wopping 1500+ interactive activites for your students to do. Teachers can also set tasks relevant to what you are studying, there are homework sheets and activity sheets. The activities are fun and engaging and your kids are sure to love them.
8. Sumdog
https://www.sumdog.com/ A fun and engaging game-based learning website great for use on either tablets or computers.
There are learning engine reports which report progress to the teachers and parents. Sumdog provides engaging learning and practice in numeracy for children aged 5-14. Guaranteed to motivate and build confidence with your students.
9. IXL
https://www.ixl.com/ IXL makes the list because it is a massive website used by millions of students around the worldwide. Another paid website but it has 1000’s of math questions and covers every math topic. It is not only engaging but includes real-world scenarios. Not just math either, it also includes, language arts, science, and social studies.
10. Xtra Math
https://xtramath.org – This is a free basic facts website. It includes progress reports and can also be downloaded as an app. Great for basic numeracy.
11. Math Playground
https://www.mathplayground.com/ This website is summed up beautifully in it’s name; math-playground. It is full of online games and activities that your students will love. Great to use a reward, with early finishers, in a math station, or just have it as a fun Friday activity.